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"PANdora Workshop at Wawasan Open University in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Gender & OM Session)"

November 13th - 14th, 2008, Kuala Lumpur , Malaysia


PANdora workshop on Gendered Outcome Mapping framework took place in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 13-14 November 2008. The workshop was designed to acquaint the participants in PANdora project with the importance of gender issues and sensitivity to them in development projects. The facilitators Sana Shams, Senior Regional Research Officer and Atif Mirza, Research Officer from CRULP, NUCES, Lahore Pakistan explained the steps of OMg framework. Participants also received hands–on experience on OMg tool.






The objective of workshop was to train the PANdora project participants on OMg framework and tool



The workshop was designed to acquaint the participants with the importance of gender issues and sensitivity to them in development projects, and present an approach to project planning, monitoring and evaluation that takes gender issues specifically into account from the earliest stages, and integrates them into the project execution. Participants also received hands –on experience on OMg tool.

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