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Conference on "Policy and Sustainability of Local Language Computing in

  Developing Asia" in conjunction with "Localization of Mobile Platform"

January 29 - February 04, 2012, Lahore, Pakistan

Dr. Jakob Svensson

Dr. Jakob Svensson is a researcher with a PhD in Media and Communication Studies (12 June 2008). The dissertation studied Civic Committees, a participatory democratic initiative within the south-Swedish municipality of Helsingborg. His current research revolves around civic communication, political participation and the construction of citizenship through mobile and digital communicative practices. Jakob Svensson is currently holding a position of assistant professorship in Media and Communication Studies at Karlstad University and is the Director of the research network HumanIT. Svensson is member of various international networks and conference program committees that explore communication and new media aspects of democracy and participation, and has been called in by the Swedish government to give his views on e-democracy projects and proposals. As the Director of HumanIT he organized the 2nd International Conference on Mobile Communication for Development (M4D) 2010 in Kampala, Uganda as well as edited the conference Proceedings. He is currently co-organizing and co-editing the proceedings, together with the Society for Education and Research Development (SERD), the 3rd M4D conference to be held in New Delhi 2012. During 2011 he co-organized and spoke at two seminars in New Delhi, one on Mobile Communication for Development and one on ICT4Learning. Dr. Svensson is also the Program Vice chair for the track on "Mobile for social and economic development" at the 9th International Conference on Mobile Web Information Systems (MobiWIS) to be held in Niagara Falls 2012.Drawing on his experiences from the emerging field of mobile communication for development Dr. Svensson speech will provide an overview on the current research in the field as well as give his opinion on its strengths and weaknesses.


Amongst his recent published articles are:

  • 2011, Svensson, Jakob, Nina on the Net - A Study of a Politician Campaigning on Social Networking Sites, Central European Journal of Communication.
  • 2011, Svensson, Jakob, The Expressive Turn of Citizenship in Digital Late Modernity, JeDEM –eJournal of eDemocracy.

  • 2011, Svensson, Jakob, Theorizing Citizenships in Late Modern ICT Societies. Triple C: ICTs and Society - A New Transdiscipline.

  • 2011, Svensson, Jakob, Power and Participation in Digital Late Modernity - Towards a Network Logic ePart 2011, LNCS 6847, 2011 © IFIP International Federation for Information Processing 2011.



Jakob Svensson, Ph. D.
Director HumanIT
Ass. Prof. in Media and Communication Studies Karlstad University
65188 Karlstad – Sweden
+ 46 (0) 54 700 1893



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