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"Regional Conference on Localized ICT Development & Dissemination Across Asia"

Participants' List

Name Designation Organization Country
Dr. Mumit Khan Associate Professor BRAC University Bangladesh 
Md. Abul Hasnat Research Programmer BRAC University Bangladesh 
Mr. Masum Billah Head Knowledge Management Division Development Research Network (D.NET) Bangladesh 
Ms. Fatema Begum Labony Development Research Network (D.NET) Bangladesh 
Mr. Pema Choejey Senior ICT Officer Department of Information Technology (DIT) Bhutan 
Mr. Tenzin Dendup ICT Officer Department of Information Technology (DIT) Bhutan 
Ms. Dechen Chhoeden Assistant ICT Officer Department of Information Technology (DIT) Bhutan 
Mr. Long  Seang Meng Faculty researcher Institute of Technology (ITC) Cambodia 
Mr. Chea Sok Huor Country Project Leader Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) Cambodia 
Ms. Sochenda Khem Technical Team Leader Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) Cambodia
Mr. Noy Shoung Deputy Secretary General National Information Communications Technology Development Authority (NIDA) Cambodia
Mr. Taing Leang Nguon Deputy Secretary General National Information Communications Technology Development Authority (NIDA) Cambodia
Mr. Ahmed Muaz Associate Development Engineer Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MoEYS) Cambodia
Mr. QunNuo Instructor and Director Network Information Center of Modern Educational Technology Center (METC) China
Dr. Mirna Adriani Faculty of Computer Sciences University of Indonesia (UI) Indonesia 
Dr. Ir. Hammam Riza Director IPTEKNET Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) Indonesia
Dr. Satoshi Nakamura Director Spoken Language Communication Group SLC NICT/ATR Japan
Mr. Hitoshi Isahara Researcher National Institute of Information and Communication Technology( NICT) Japan
Ms. Goh Chooi Ling Researcher ATR Spoken Language Communication Laboratories Japan
Mr. Phonpassit Phissamay Deputy Director General National Authority for Science and Technology (NAST) Laos
Mr. Valaxay Dalaloy Chief of R&D sector National Authority for Science and Technology (NAST) Laos
Mr. Batchuluun Batpurev Chief Executive Officer InfoCon Co. Ltd. Mongolia 
Ch. Munkhzul Project Manager InfoCon Co. Ltd. Mongolia 
Mr. Altangerel Ayush Research officer Mongolian University of Science and Technology
Dr. Purev Jaimai Professor and Head National University of Mongolia
Mr. Rajendra Poudel Program Director E-Network Research and Development  (ENRD) Nepal 
Mr. Amar Gurung Director Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
Mr. Bal Krishna Bal Project Manager Madan Puraskar Pustakalaya
Dr. Sarmad Hussain Professor National University of computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) Pakistan
Ms. Huda Sarfraz Senior Development Engineer National University of computer and Emerging Sciences
Ms. Ammara Shabbir Research Officer National University of computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) Pakistan 
Ms. Sana Shams Senior Regional Research Officer RRC- Monitoring and Evaluation  National University of computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) Pakistan
Ms. Mudasir Mustafa Research officer RRC- Monitoring and Evaluation  National University of computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES) Pakistan
Dr. Emmanuel C. Lallana Chief Executive, Ideacorp  RRC- Training Commission on Information and Communications Technology, Office of the Philippine President Philippines
Ms. Maria Juanita Reyes Macapagal  Research Officer RRC- Training Philippines
Prof. Allan Borra  Senior Faculty Member College of Computer Studies De la Salle University-Manila Philippines
Mr. Richard Dwayne Bailey IT Consultant Pan African Localization Network South Africa
Dr. Ruvan Weerasinghe Director and Senior Lecturer in Computer Science University of Colombo School of Computing
Sri Lanka
Mr. Dulip Lakmal Herath Research Associate University of Colombo School of Computing
Sri Lanka 
Mr. Chai Wutiwiwatchai Government Researcher National Electronics and Computer Technology Centre (NECTEC) Thailand
Mr. Wasin Sinthupinyo Researcher National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) Thailand
Mr. Virach Sornlertlamvanich Assistant Executive Director National Electronics and Computer Technology Center (NECTEC) Thailand




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