[Jan - Dec 09] [Jan - Dec 08] [Jul - Dec 07] [Jan - Jun 07]

[Jul - Dec 06] [Jan - Jun 06] [Jul - Dec 05] [Jan - Jun 05] [Jul - Dec 04] [Jan - Jun 04]



Jul - Dec 2004


ICT for Development, a newsletter to exchange information about Information and Communication Technology (ICT), is available online. [28th Dec. 2004]



Speegle, a dramatic search engine that speaks out the web text of a English web site. [28th Dec. 2004]



The Twentieth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, (AAAI-05) Workshop on Question Answering in Restricted Domains has been declared to be held from July 9th - 10th , 2005, at Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. [24th Dec. 2004]



Unicode Technical Committee, (UTC) has posted a new issue for public review and comments till January 31st, 2005. [24th Dec. 2004]



12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar, (HPSG 2005) has been declared to be held from August 23rd - 24th , 2005, at Lisbon, Portugal. [23rd Dec. 2004]



Formal Semantics and Cross-Linguistic Data, organized as a part of the European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI' 05) has been declared to be held from August 15th - 19th , 2005, at Edinburgh, UK.  [23rd Dec. 2004]



Nineteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, has been declared to be held from July 30th, 2005 - August 5th,  2005, at Edinburgh, UK.  [23rd Dec. 2004]



Second Development Gateway Award, of $100,000 has been declared by the Development Gateway Foundation. [20th Dec. 2004]



Second ACL-SIGSEM Workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications's, paper submission deadline has been extended till January 20th, 2005.  [20th Dec. 2004]



43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL 05), deadline for paper submission is January 14th, 2005  [20th Dec. 2004]



Fellowship Program, is offered by SANOG V  [15th Dec. 2004]



Unicode Character Database file's, BETA version is available for public comments  [15th Dec. 2004]



3rd International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon's, (GL'2005) deadline for paper submission has been extended till January 30th, 2005  [13th Dec. 2004]



ACM TALIP Journal, Special Issue on Text Mining and Management in Biomedicine's deadline for paper submission has been extended till December 30th, 2004  [13th Dec. 2004]



Foundations of Natural Language Grammar,  is going to be organized as a part of European Summer School of Logic, Language and Information (ESSLI 2005) from  August 16th  - 20th , 2005 at Edinburgh  [8th Dec. 2004]



European Commission's grant for higher education under Asia-Link Program, has been declared  [7th Dec. 2004]



A new Sindhi Font, for free download is available online  [7th Dec. 2004]



Sinhala GNU/Linux Project, provides the most functional implementation of Sinhala for Lanka Linux users [7th Dec. 2004]



Public Review Issues on the Unicode web site have been updated  [30th Nov. 2004]



indLinux being an Indian Linux Project aims at creating a Linux distribution that supports Indian Languages at all levels  [30th Nov. 2004]



A new web site has been created with the goal to provide information on links to existing evaluations/reviews on language technology software/systems  [30th Nov. 2004] 



6th SIGdial Workshop on Discourse and Dialogue in conjunction with Eurospeech/Interspeech 2005, will be held from September 2nd  - 3rd , 2005 at Lisbon, Portugal  [30th Nov. 2004]



International Systematic Functional Congress (ISFC 2005), along with Pre-Congress Institute at Macquarie University, Sydney, organizes the 1st Computational Systemic Functional Linguistics Conference that will be held in the University of Sydney from July 15th  - 16th , 2004 at Sydney, Australia  [30th Nov. 2004]



Second International Workshop on UNL, other Interlinguas and their Applications  series of INTERSPEECH events and the ninth biennial conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), is tentatively scheduled on  February 16th, 2005  [30th Nov. 2004]



Asia Source: Tech camp for the voluntary sector has been declared aimed at building the technical skills of those working with NGOs in South and South East Asia. It will be held from January 28th - February 4th, 2005 at Bangalore, India  [30th Nov. 2004]



Fifth International Conference on Knowledge Based Computer System (KBCS - 2004), will be held from December 19th  - 22nd , 2004 at Hyderabad, India  [30th Nov. 2004]



INTERSPEECH '2005 – EUROSPEECH, being the sixth conference in the annual series of INTERSPEECH events and the ninth biennial conference of the International Speech Communication Association (ISCA), will be held from September 4th  - 8th , 2005 at Lisbon, Portugal  [24th Nov. 2004]



Student Session(StuS) of the 17th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI' 05) has been declared to be held from August 8th  - 19th , 2005, at Edinburgh, UK  [22nd Nov. 2004]



ICT Conference 2005 is scheduled from January 26th  - 27th , 2005, at Kathmandu, Nepal.  [22nd Nov. 2004]



International Joint Conference on Natural Language Procession(IJCNLP05) for the first time plans to issue a newsletter INCNLP05. The first Newsletter of INCNLP05 will be issued next year  [22nd Nov. 2004]



"Web as Corpus" is going to be held at Corpus Linguistics 2005, from April 14th - 17th, 2005, in Birmingham, UK  [22nd Nov. 2004]



43rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-05) scheduled from June 25th  - 30th , 2005, at University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, USA.  [6th Nov. 2004]



2nd Language & Technology Conference: Human Language Technologies as a Challenge for Computer Science and Linguistics to be held from April 21st - 23rd, 2005, in Poznań, Poland [5th Nov. 2004]



The International Conference on Speech and Language Technology (ICSLT 2004) is being organized by C-DAC, Noida (India) during November 17th-19th, 2004, at India Habitat Centre, New Delhi.  [4th Nov. 2004]



European Association for Machine Translation 10th Annual Conference (EAMT 2005) scheduled from 30th May - 31st May 2005, at Budapest, Hungary.  [4th Nov. 2004]



The Unicode Consortium announces the release of Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR 1.2) and the Locale Data Markup Language specification (LDML 1.2)... [more]  [3rd Nov. 2004]



The Fourth International Symposium on Chinese Spoken Language Processing (ISCSLP 2004) scheduled from 15th December 2004 - 18th December 2004, at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.  [22nd Oct. 2004]



The Unicode Consortium announces the alpha version of Common Locale Data Repository (CLDR) 1.2 open for public review... [more]  [10th Oct. 2004]



PAN Localization Project in the I4D online magazine... [more]  [29th Sept. 2004] 



3rd International Workshop on Generative Approaches to the Lexicon (GL'2005) scheduled on 19th May 2005 - 25th May 2005, in Geneva, Switzerland!  [28th Sept. 2004] 



MT Summit X is announced by Asia-Pacific Association for Machine Translation (AAMT) to be held from 12th September 2005 - 16th September 2005, in Phuket, Thailand.  [28th Sept. 2004]



Presentation on Nepali Language Processing And Spellchecking System – An Overview of Nepali Context... [more]  [21st Sept. 2004]  



The much awaited website for PAN Localization Project is finally uploaded!  [16th Sept. 2004]  



PAN Localization Project’s Regional Research Officer: Ms. Sana Gul attended the 2nd i4d Seminar held in Beijing, China... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004] 



UNESCO Supports Nepali Font Standardization....... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]  



Hindi to Urdu Transliteration Software developed by CRULP, NUCES was released... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]  



Localization Newsletter Issue 6, Vol 1 ( 1st September 2004) is out... [more [16th Sept. 2004] 



Release of Sindhi Support (keyboard) for Linux... [more [16th Sept. 2004]



Australasian Language Technology Workshop 2004 (ALTW2004). A one-day workshop on Natural Language Technology was organized by the Australasian Language Technology Association (ALTA)....... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]  



The Pan Asia ICT R&D Grants Programme announced the October 2004 competition round for ICT R&D grant applicants from the Asia Pacific region....... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]



International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation scheduled on 30th September – 1st October 2004, in Kyoto Japan....... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]

The 9th Annual LRC Conference, entitled Open Source Localisation, was held at the University of Limerick on 21-22 September 2004....... [more]  [16th Sept. 2004]


[Jan - Dec 09] [Jan - Dec 08] [Jul - Dec 07] [Jan - Jun 07]

[Jul - Dec 06] [Jan - Jun 06] [Jul - Dec 05] [Jan - Jun 05] [Jul - Dec 04] [Jan - Jun 04]