[Jan - Dec 09] [Jan - Dec 08] [Jul - Dec 07] [Jan - Jun 07]

[Jul - Dec 06] [Jan - Jun 06] [Jul - Dec 05[Jan - Jun 05] [Jul - Dec 04] [Jan - Jun 04]



Jan - Jun 2005


ICON-2005 4th International Conference on Natural language Processing was held on December 18th - 20th , 2005 at IIT Kanpur, India [8th Jun. 2005]


OntoLex 2005 A workshop on Ontologies and Lexical Resources was organized on October 15th  2005 at Jeju Island, Korea [8th Jun. 2005]


Fourth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing was held on October 14th - 15th , 2005 at Jeju Island, Korea. [8th Jun. 2005]


ESSLLI 2005, 17th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information is going to be held from August 8th - 19th , 2005 at Heriot - Watt University, Edinburgh. [8th Jun. 2005]


CSLP 2005, 2nd International Workshop on Constraint Solving and Language Processing is decided to be held on October 5th, 2005 in Melia Sitges Hotel, Sitges (Barcelona), Spain. [8th Jun. 2005]


HLT/EMNLP2005, Human Language Technology Conference/Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, was held from October 6th - 8th, 2005 in Vancouver, B.C., Canada. [6th Jun. 2005]


The 2nd International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (IJCNLP-05), was organized by the Asian Federation of Natural Language Processing from October 11th - 13th, 2005 in  Jeju Island, Korea. [18th Apr. 2005]


3rd International WordNet Conference, is decided to be held in January 2006 in  Jeju Island, Korea, South Jeju (Seogwipo). [8th Apr. 2005]


The Unicode Technical Committee has released a beta version of Unicode Technical Standard #10, Unicode Collation Algorithm (UCA) Version 4.1.0. It is available for public review until April 26. [8th Apr. 2005]


Version 4.1 of the Unicode® Standard Released, The Unicode® Consortium announced today the release of the latest version of the Unicode Standard, Version 4.1.0. Mountain View, CA, March 31, 2005. [2nd Apr. 2005]


Learning Language in Logic (LLL05) A workshop was held on increasing interest in applying logic-based machine learning to the problem of Information Extraction from bio-medical texts, on August 7th, 2005 at Bonn Germany. [31st Mar. 2005]



TILP AGM This year's Annual General Meeting of The Institute of Localization Professionals took place on September 12, 2005 at the University of Limerick, Ireland. [29th Mar. 2005]



The Unicode Consortium is pleased to announce the release of CLDR 1.3 Alpha. We encourage people to look at the data and provide feedback on the progress towards CLDR 1.3. [19th Mar. 2005]



ACL 2005 Workshop on Deep Lexical Acquisition , was held on June 30th, 2005 in  Ann Arbor, USA.  [4th Mar. 2005]



Feature Engineering for Machine Learning in Natural Language Processing, An international workshop was organized on June 29th, 2005 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. [4th Mar. 2005]



The Second Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing, was organized on June 29th, 2005 in University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. [4th Mar. 2005]



A Workshop on Building and Using Parallel Text,  was from June 29th -30th , 2005 in University of Michigan-Ann Arbor [4th Mar. 2005]



Call for Demos and Interactive Posters  for "The Association for Computational Linguistics" In the 43rd annual meeting from June 25th - 30th   Ann Arbor, USA. [4th Mar. 2005]



Frontiers in Corpus Annotation II , A workshop was held on June 29th, 2005 in University of Michigan-Ann Arbor. [4th Mar. 2005]



Microsoft turns focus to Emerging Markets, Microsoft Corporation's research unit is turning to social scientists, as a new effort to understand the long-term possibilities for computer technology in developing countries.S [23rd Feb. 2005]



Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies, An international workshop was organized on Modern Approaches in Translation Technologies on September 24th, 2005 in University of Hamburg, Germany [15th Feb. 2005]



FSMNLP 2005, Workshop on Finite-State Methods and Natural Language Processing was held on September 1st-2nd, 2005, at University of Helsinki, Finland. [15th Feb. 2005]



"Minority" Languages Computerization, A Workshop for Under-Resourced Languages was held on Friday, 10th June 2005 at Dourdan, near Paris. [9th Feb. 2005]



 LCA 2005 Conference, linux.conf.au (LCA) is Australia's national Linux conference. LCA2005 was held from Monday April 18th  to Saturday April 23rd, 2005, at the Australian National University in Canberra. The Miniconf was run over two days preceding the LCA2005 main conference. [7th Feb. 2005]



ACL-SIGSEM, A workshop on The Linguistic Dimensions of Prepositions and their Use in Computational Linguistics Formalisms and Applications was organized from April 19th-21st, 2005, University of Essex, UK. [27th Jan. 2005]



 IJCAI Workshop, was held for Question Answering on Natural Language Generation and the Semantic Web: Perspectives and Challenges, on July    31th ,  2005 in Edinburgh, Scotland. [27th Jan. 2005]



 Cross-Modular Approaches to Ellipsis, A workshop from August 8th- 12th, 2005, was organized as part of the 17th European Summer School on Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) from  August 8th-19th, 2005, in Edinburgh, Scotland. [27th Jan. 2005]



HPSG 2005, The 12th International Conference on Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar was held from August 22nd- 24th, 2005 in Lisbon, Portugal. [27th Jan. 2005]



 IEEE ARSU 2005, Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop was held from November 27th–December 1st, 2005 in Cancun, Mexico. [27th Jan. 2005]



 International Conference RANLP-2005, was held from September 21st - 23rd,  2005 at Borovets, Bulgaria. [27th Jan. 2005]


[Jan - Dec 09] [Jan - Dec 08] [Jul - Dec 07] [Jan - Jun 07]

[Jul - Dec 06] [Jan - Jun 06] [Jul - Dec 05[Jan - Jun 05] [Jul - Dec 04] [Jan - Jun 04]