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Training Resources for "Summer School on Asian Language Processing"
The following books will be used as training resources during the Summer School of Asian Language Processing.  All trainees will be provided one copy of the following books.
Ladefoged, P. (2000), A Course in Phonetics, Heinle
Kroeger, P. R. (2005), Analyzing Grammar: An Introduction, Cambridge University Press
Dutoit, T. (1997), An Introduction to Text-To-Speech Synthesis, Kluwer Academic Publishers
Kroeger, P. R. (2004), Analyzing Syntax: A Lexical Functional Approach, Cambridge University Press
O’Grady, W., Dobrovolsky, M. & Katamba, F. (1997), Contemporary Linguistics, Longman
Gonzales, R. C. (2006),  Digital Image Processing, Prentice Hall
Gonzales, R. C. (2003),  Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice Hall
Furui, S. (2001), Digital Speech Processing, Synthesis, and Recognition, Marcel Dekker
Quatieri, T. F. (2001), Discrete-time Speech Signal Processing, Prentice Hall
Rabiner, L. & Juang, B. (1993), Fundamentals of Speech Recognition, Prentice Hall
Katamba, F. (1993), Morphology , Palgrave Macmillan
Spencer, A. (1991), Morphological Theory , Blackwell Publishers
Parker, J. (1993), Practical Computer Vision using C, John Wiley & Sons
Witten, I. H. (1983), Principles of Computer SpeechAcademic PR
Jurafsky, D. & Martin, J. H. (2000), Speech and Language Processing, Prentice Hall
Pickett, J. M. (1999), The Acoustics of Speech CommunicationsAllyn & Bacon
Gussenhoven, C. & Jacobs, H. (2005), Understanding Phonology, Hodder Arnold
Rogers, H. (2004), Writing Systems: A Linguistic Approach, Blackwell Publishers


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